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Focus SPI 50% UDP

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Performance Custom Ground Camshafts and Valvetrain Accessories

Focus SPI 50% UDP

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Escort Ignition Parts

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Ordering Information

NOTE: All overseas shipments and others that can only be sent air freight are subject to an additional charge since this is much more expensive than regular UPS or USPS ground delivery.

This charge will be as minimal as possible to cover our costs. We will notify you by email if any additional charges apply to your order and you will have the option to pay the additional fee or cancel the order at that time.

                                             TO ORDER
For credit card orders please use the "ADD TO CART" buttons on each item to ad it to the shopping cart. You can view the cart from any page that has the wood buttons on the left side using the "VIEW CART" button. We use PayPal and you will need to do an initial registration with them.

Use the online order form, (Click on the Button Below ) fill in the blanks, and click the "Order Now" button on the order form. Also, print the order form after filling it in and send to us if you are ordering by mail. If you have any trouble, send us all the information that is requested on the online order form to [email protected] and we will process your order. Make your check, or money order payable to EFP and send with the completed order form (hand written if necessary) to the mailing address listed below. Be sure to include the shipping charges. (See NOTE below)

EFP / Escort-Focus Performance
P.O. Box 242
S. Vienna, OH 45369-0242

                                         SHIPPING & HANDLING CHARGES
There will be a minimum shipping & handling fee of $12.00 and based on the amount of the total order, up to a maximum of $29.00. This does not include anything too large or heavy to be shipped UPS "Ground" or anything shipped outside of the United States. Use the chart below to determine the shipping costs. Special charges may apply to certain items and will be shown in the shopping cart. The shipping charge includes insurance.

When ordering by check, be sure to include your driver's license number and date of birth. for verification purposes. You order will be processed and ready to ship as soon as your check clears. You can check the status of your order at: [email protected]

* Use your total price to calculate your shipping and handling charge.
If ordering from outside the U.S. please contact us for the correct charge.



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