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Focus SPI 50% UDP

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Warranty Information

                               PRODUCT WARRANTIES
WARRANTIES - All parts will be covered by the manufacturers warranties and or guarantees unless otherwise stated. E.F.P. will not assume any responsibility or liability for use or application by the user. (
See Disclaimer) Any claims of damaged goods from transit are the sole responsibility of the carrier. Always examine your package carefully and notify the carrier immediately if there is a problem.

Most parts are warranted by the manufacturer, usually for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase, unless otherwise specified. In many cases the product will need to be returned directly to the manufacturer if there is a problem. If there is a warranty card with the product, please fill it out and return it promptly. The warranties for any parts used for racing or competition cover manufacturing defects only. Any part, in our opinion, that shows signs of tampering, modification, being used or installed contrary to the manufacturer's instructions, will not be eligible for an exchange or refund. This includes improper packaging or shipping by the customer. If you have any questions, please contact out Customer Service Department at:  
([email protected])

                             DISCLAIMER (Please Read)
The manufacturer's warranty constitutes all the warranties with respect to the sale and use of these items. The seller, (EFP) hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied. We, (EFP) warranty only the items we manufacture ourselves and it covers the replacement of a defective item only. The application and use of any of our products is by user discretion and this applies to any and all local, state, or federal emission laws. Any product that in any way affects the emissions output of the engine or vehicle is considered for (OFF ROAD OR RACING USE) only! We will not be held responsible for any problems or damage resulting from the use, application, misapplication, or improper installation of any product or products. 
                                                                                                                                                                  EFP / Escort-Focus Performance™ (

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